Sunday, October 31, 2010

Monday, October 25, 2010

Tuesday, October 19, 2010



A spider has made her home in the front doorway to our home. Trick or treaters, go to the sidedoor!
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Monday, September 20, 2010

Sunny, Sonny, Pocket and the Blue One.

We're almost all settled in the new house, so what better way to celebrate than bring some new beings under our roof?

I think M would agree, he is fascinated with the four African Ciclids we purchased this weekend.

The two yellow ciclids are a male and a female, I named them Sonny and Sunny. There's a little shy brown guy swimming around too, we named him Pocket, short for Pocket Change (in remebrance of Thad's erstwhile Jack Dempsey companion 'Small Change'). Finally, there's the Blue One, who hangs out in the skull all day.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Highlight of the Marshfield Fair 2010

OK, well we all know that I'm obsessed with owls...This has to be the highlight of my summer. Sitting with us here is Artemis, the Eagle Owl. We paid a fee for the photo op, and I got to sit next to Artemis for about 30 seconds or so. I did get a chance to look into his amazing, bright eyes and when the handler set him on the stand there he stretched his wings and they lightly dusted my neck. I think we'll do a series over the next few years, me and the boy and a bird of prey at the "Birds of Prey Booth" at the Fair every year. Next year we'll do the Barn Owl. I can hardly wait!!

Marshfield Fair

Max got the chance to call everything "Doggie" today, from cows... turkeys...


...donkeys... an Ox! This guy was, as you can see, HUGE. He went to the bathroom shortly after this pic was taken. We were all, ah, impressed.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010



Two things:
This wall display is a model of marital compromise.
I like it.

that is all.
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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Monday, July 19, 2010

All Together Now

M all nine of his cousins on his father's side got together yesterday at our house. A good time was had by all, from playing Wii to dipping in the lake.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Mount Battie


We had a heckuva hike up Mt Battie in Camden Maine this weekend. Thad's sister and her 7, 5, 4, and 2 year old came with us and thank goodness my mom was waiting for us at the top with M. The hike took a bit longer than we anticipated. Here's Thad, our niece and M atop the watchtower on the summit.
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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Five things I Pulled out of My Boy's Mouth this Weekend

1. a pebble
2. a giant chip of bark mulch
3. another, larger pebble
4. some pasta (by then I was suspicious)

and finally...


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

What the Hell am I going to do about Father's Day?

Who knows? But it better be good. Look how my baby loves his daddy.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

back in the day...

This is me and my baby. I'm in the Rondo Jersey thad bought me for mother's day, when our little one was 2 months old. He's 15 months old now and since we moved 2x in the last year I have NO IDEA where my beloved jersey is.

Friday, June 11, 2010

The Yard is Looking Nice


Thanks to old friend Kristin for the transplant of this pretty yellow lovely.
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Thursday, June 3, 2010

Alien Invasion Pt II

Ok this crumb-bum of a plant is officially known as black swallow wort. It's known to be invasive and nearly impossible to eradicate.
That doesn't stop good old Thaddeus from trying, nor should it! We plan to live here longer than any darn weed!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Whhoooo sleeps here?

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Alien Invasion


I think this is "climbing nightshade." Its EVERYWHERE in our yard, it has a strong smell, and its a cruel, strangly vine. Gives me the willies. And the Heebee Jeebees.
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Monday, May 24, 2010

I bought a juicer.

My lovely coworkers gave us a generous gift card to Crate and Barrell last week to celebrate moving into the new house. After much deliberation, I bought some silverware and then a juicer. Baby M and I are having so much fun drinking different juices (we used it twice this weekend). I like to throw a beet into any mix we make. The rich color! The vitamins! Hooray! My little boy is drinking his vegetables!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Look who's walking!

Please excuse the technical issues...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

#10... lovely.

Note: this post has been a draft since this young cousin's birth...oops.

Baby's First Haircut!